Beginners Guide To Using Period Underwear

Curious about period underwear but not sure how to use it, or if it'll even work? Don't worry, we know exactly how you feel and have got you covered with a detailed guide here.

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The Hormonal Times

Women's Health: A Silent Crisis, with hope for the future

Women's Health: A Silent Crisis, with hope for the future

WHO declared “acceptability” & “gender sensitivity” as core components to right to health. Yet, it's a proven fact that women across the globe do not get equal access to healthcare. It's a sile...

The Technology Behind Nushu Period Underwear

The Technology Behind Nushu Period Underwear

In recent years, menstrual care saw the rise of some innovative & sustainable alternatives to plastic pads – and one of them was Reusable Period Underwear Reusable period underwear is speciall...

Breaking the Silence: How to talk to your teenage daughter about her period

Breaking the Silence: How to talk to your teenage daughter about her period

On March 27th, we tragically lost another life to stigma and a lack of conversation. The recent loss of a 14-year-old girl, due to stress from her first period, serves as a stark reminder of the i...

The Truth Behind Your Go-To Sanitary Napkins

The Truth Behind Your Go-To Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary napkins are the go-to menstrual care product for the majority of women in India (surprise, surprise!). But, beyond their utility, lie lesser-known health and environmental hazards that the...

Period Underwear through the Ages: From Teens to Menopause

Period Underwear through the Ages: From Teens to Menopause

  In the evolving landscape of menstrual care, Reusable Period Underwear has proven to be a versatile and eco-friendly solution for women at every stage of life. From adolescence to menop...

Women's Day: Yet another perspective revamped!

Women's Day: Yet another perspective revamped!

I have to admit, I’ve always questioned the purpose of Women’s Day. Being a feminist, I thought women’s day was counterproductive, and that it actually victimized women and gave society a reason to...